"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Nelson Mandela
( First democratically elected State President of South Africa (1994); Nobel Prize for Peace (1993); b. 1918)
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional method of hands-on, active learning which challenges students to learn by investigating and working to solve real-life problems. The first application of PBL was in medical schools where the knowledge of graduates was tested by presenting them with authentic medical problems.
A PBL curriculum challenges students to work through real-life challenges which target defined areas of the curriculum. This unique learning system fosters collaboration among students, encourages the development of problem solving skills and builds students’ self confidence.
Adab facilitatates relationships between employers and academics so they can develop PBL modules. During the 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15 academic sessions, we supported academics in the development and delivery of PBL modules. These were developed and delivered using the expertise of corporate volunteers from the following employers:
  • State Street Global Services: More about this collaboration here
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • Clifford Chance LLP
The 2012/13 academic session saw the successful execution of 2 Problem Based Learning (PBL) collaborations:
  • The LMBS 'Financial Services Management' Module -This was a collaboration between The Adab Trust, State Street Global Services (SSGS) and London Metropolitan University Business School (LMBS)State Street Global Services’ primary representative was Mr David Nevill – Assistant Vice President GS Skills Development and LMBS’ main representative was Mrs Ron Cambridge – Senior Lecturer / Course Leader Banking & Finance. Thirty five students were involved in this PBL collaboration. (16 were involved in the 2011/12 PBL pilot).
  • The LMBS 'Bank Lending' Module-This was a collaboration between The Adab Trust, Standard Chartered Bank and London Metropolitan University Business School (LMBS)Standard Chartered Bank’s primary representative was Mr. Michael Rose – Director and LMBS was represented by Dr. Nirmala Lee – Senior Lecturer and Module Leader for the ‘Bank Lending’ module. Eighty three students were involved in this PBL collaboration (90 were involved in the 2011/12 PBL pilot)
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